DPA 4.16
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IQRF OS: 4.04D-08D5 (DCTR-7xD)


Changes and enhancements

         Command OS Read indicates whether the FRC Aggregation feature is enabled.

         Former DpaApiLocalFrc bug fix workaround (DPA 4.15) is not needed anymore.

         The structure of Smart Connect request parameters was changed. See also bug fixes section below.

         Default SmartConnect bonding is executed with a stricter RF RX filter by value +4.


New features

         New API function DpaApiAggregateFrc for the FRC aggregation.

         New API function DpaApiSetOTK for the OTK prebonding.

         New API functions DpaApiSleep and DpaApiAfterSleep.

         New DPA API variable FirstDpaApiSleep.

         New API functions DpaApiI2Cinit, DpaApiI2Cstart, DpaApiI2Cwrite, DpaApiI2Cread, DpaApiI2Cstop, DpaApiI2CwaitForACK, DpaApiI2Cshutdown, and DpaApiI2CwaitForIdle for I2C bus communication. Wrapper functions are available to decrease the code size when original API function is called more than once.

         New DPA API variables I2Ctimeout and I2CwasTimeout for I2C bus communication.

         New Custom DPA Handler templates targeted at [C] and [N] devices.

         New DPA API variable DpaValue.


Bug Fixes

         Fixed an issue when UserData parameter at Smart Connect was not passed into hostUserDataReceived IQRF OS variable in the bonded [N]. The workaround for the previous DPA versions is to store 4B UserData data into former parameters VirtualDeviceAddress+reserver[0…2].

         Fixed an issue when DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator did not transmit the network packet at the AfterRouting event handler when IQRF OS coordinator mode was not restored after executing certain non-networking commands (e.g. bonding). The workaround is to call setCoordinatorMode before calling DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator.

         Fixed an issue when a 4-byte longer packet length was returned at ReceiveDpaRequest for non‑routed (!_ROUTEF) packets.

         Fixed an issue when commands Smart Connect and Set MID worked with PNUM of any available embedded peripheral when Coordinator peripheral is available.