Help > Custom DPA Handler > DPA API > DpaApiI2Cinit

void DpaApiI2Cinit( uns8 frequency )


This function initializes the I2C bus at master mode. The SCL line is available at GPIO RC3 and SDA line at RC4 respectively at devices based on D series IQRF transceivers. Make sure the pull-ups are connected to both these lines. The parameter frequency specifies the required I2C frequency. The parameter is prepared using the I2CcomputeFrequency macro. When any of the prepared I2C functions is called more than once it is recommended to call a wrapper function instead, that has the same name but is prefixed by an underscore character. This reduces the size of the compiled code


The following example shows a typical use of I2C functions:


DpaApiI2Cinit( I2CcomputeFrequency( 100000 /* Hz */ ) );


_DpaApiI2Cstart( 0b1001011.0 /* MCP9802 8bit write address */ );

DpaApiI2Cwrite( 0 /* pointer: 0 = temperature */ );



_DpaApiI2Cstart( 0b1001011.1 /* MCP9802 8bit read address */ );

int16 temperature;

temperature.high8 = DpaApiI2Cread( 1 );

temperature.low8 = DpaApiI2Cread( 0 );


