DPA 4.15
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IQRF OS: 4.04D-08D5 (DCTR-7xD)


Changes and enhancements

         SPI (Slave) peripheral was discarded.

         SPI Interface at [N] was discarded.

         Autoexec was discarded.

         The parameter of the Set FRC Params command was extended.


New features

         New API function DpaApiLocalFrc for the execution of the local FRC.

         New event VerifyLocalFrc to verify a received local FRC command.

         New API function DpaApiCrc8 to compute DPA UART Interface compatible CRC.

         New API variable NonroutedRfTxDpaPacket to force TX of a non-routed packet.


Bug Fixes

         Please note a bug fix workaround in DpaApiLocalFrc.