Help > Custom DPA Handler > DPA API > DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator

uns8 DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator()


Available at [C] devices only. This function is specially prepared for sending DPA Requests from [C] to the [N] devices in its network. It prepares even more of the requested parameters automatically compared to the DpaApiRfTxDpaPacket function. Last but not least it also takes care of waiting to send another DPA Request until the routing of the previously sent (and received) packet is finished thus minimizing the probability of the network collision. The call initializes NetDepth by value 1.

The function returns the number of hops used to deliver the DPA Request from the addressed device back to the [C]. The number of hops used to deliver the DPA Request to the addressee and slot length are available at IQRF OS variables RTHOPS and RTTSLOT respectively. Thus, the same information (Hops, Timeslot length, Hops Response) as within DPA Confirmation is available to the developer. See also Set Hops.

Calling DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator is allowed only at Idle, AfterRouting, and IFaceReceive events.




case DpaEvent_Idle:


// The following block of code demonstrates autonomous once per 60 s sending

// of packets if the [C] is not connected to the interface master

       if ( IFaceMasterNotConnected && DpaTicks.15 != 0 )


        // Setup new timer

        GIE = 0;

        DpaTicks = 60 * 100L;

        GIE = 1;


        // DPA Request is broadcasted


        _NADRhigh = 0;

        // Use red LED

        _PNUM = PNUM_LEDR;

        // Make a LED pulse

        _PCMD = CMD_LED_PULSE;

        // HW profile ID

        _HWPID = HWPID_DoNotCheck;

        // This DPA Request has no data

        _DpaDataLength = 0;

        // Send the DPA Request




       return Carry;



☼ See example codes CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-PulseLEDs.c for more details.