Help > Custom DPA Handler > Examples

Find below a list of all examples. The next chapters describe selected Custom DPA Handler examples in more detail.


CustomDpaHandler-AsyncRequest - Sending asynchronous DPA Request from [N] to the [C].
CustomDpaHandler-Autobond - Autobonding example.
CustomDpaHandler-BeamingAggregation.c - FRC aggregation of the IQRF Standard Sensor data.
CustomDpaHandler-Bonding - Custom bonding.
CustomDpaHandler-BondingButton - Custom bonding button.
CustomDpaHandler-BondingNoSleep - Bonding without sleep.
CustomDpaHandler-Bridge-SPI - Bridging handler to the external device using SPI.
CustomDpaHandler-Bridge-UART - Bridging handler to the external device using UART.
CustomDpaHandler-Buttons - Handling multiple hardware buttons with individual debouncing.
CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-FRCandSleep - Regular FRC & sleep controlled by the [C].
CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-PollNodes - Polling data from Nodes by the [C].
CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-PulseLEDs - Pulsing LEDs at Nodes controlled by the [C].
CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-ReflexGame - Simple reflex game.
CustomDpaHandler-CustomIndicate - Customized indication.
CustomDpaHandler-DDC-RE01 - DDC-RE01 demo.
CustomDpaHandler-DDC-SE01 -  DDC-SE01 demo.
CustomDpaHandler-DDC-SE01_RE01 -  DDC-SE01 and DDC-RE01 demo.
CustomDpaHandler-FrcAggregation.c - FRC aggregation example.
CustomDpaHandler-FRC-Minimalistic - The smallest FRC handler.
CustomDpaHandler-FRC - Custom FRC commands.
CustomDpaHandler-HookDpa - Intercepting DPA Requests and Responses.
CustomDpaHandler-LED-Green-On - Diagnostic „green LED ON“.
CustomDpaHandler-LED-MemoryMapping - Mapping LED to the RAM peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-LED-Red-On - Diagnostic „red LED ON“.
CustomDpaHandler-LED-UserPeripheral - LED user peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-LocalFRC - Local FRC Controller and Actuator.
CustomDpaHandler-LocalFRC-Controller - Local FRC Controller.
CustomDpaHandler-MultiResponse - Multiple DPA Responses to the one DPA Request.
CustomDpaHandler-OTK-Node - OTK prebonding example.
CustomDpaHandler-Peer-to-Peer - Peer-to-peer receiver.
CustomDpaHandler-PeripheralMemoryMapping - Mapping MCU peripheral to the RAM peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-PIRlighting - PIR controlled lighting.
CustomDpaHandler-ScanRSSI - RSSI measurement among Nodes.
CustomDpaHandler-SelfLoadCode.c - The handler switches itself to the other handler.
CustomDpaHandler-SensorBeaming.c - Beaming sensor example.
CustomDpaHandler-SPI - Custom SPI Peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-Template-OptimizedSwitch - Optimized custom DPA Handler template, all events.
CustomDpaHandler-Template-OptimizedSwitch-Coordinator - Same as above but for Coordinator.
CustomDpaHandler-Template-OptimizedSwitch-Node - Same as above but for Node only.
CustomDpaHandler-Template - Custom DPA Handler template, all events listed.
CustomDpaHandler-Template-Coordinator - Custom DPA Handler template but for Coordinator only.
CustomDpaHandler-Template-Node - Custom DPA Handler template optimized but for Node only.
CustomDpaHandler-Timer - Using PIC HW timer.
CustomDpaHandler-TimerCalibrated - Using calibrated PIC HW timer.
CustomDpaHandler-UART - Connecting an external device using an embedded UART peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UARTrepeater - Sample UART repeater example.
CustomDpaHandler-UartHwRxSwTx - Software UART TX at embedded peripheral to free PWM pin.
CustomDpaHandler-UserEncryption - AES-128 demonstration.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-18B20 - Dallas 18B20 temperature sensor as peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-18B20-Idle - Dallas 18B20 sensor operated in the background.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-18B20-Multiple - Multiple Dallas 18B20 sensors as peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-ADC - ADC user peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-HW-UART - User HW UART peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-I2C - User peripheral connected to I2C.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-I2Cmaster - I2C master peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-McuTempIndicator - Internal PIC temperature indicator.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-PWM - PWM user peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-PWMandTimer - PWM user peripheral together with a timer.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-SPImaster - User SPI master peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-SPIslave - User SPI slave peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral - Basic user peripheral.
CustomDpaHandler-XLPstandBy - Putting [Ns] into XLP “sleep” mode with RF wake up.
DpaIoSetup - IO Setup demonstration.