Help > Custom DPA Handler > DPA API > DpaApiAggregateFrc

void DpaApiAggregateFrc ()


Available at [N] devices only. This function is used to initiate FRC value aggregation at the end of the FrcValue event handler. The calling device must be discovered and a feature FRC Aggregation must be enabled from the transceiver manufacturer during transceiver’s production.


The FRC aggregation is used to force returning FRC values from devices other than the current one. Other devices do not have to be even alive nor discovered at the time of the FRC request. Typically, this is used to provide data received asynchronously (in non-network mode) from battery sensors (i.e. other devices) that are in sleep mode most of the time. The data received from the sensors are stored and then later aggregated in the case of an FRC request and thus they appear in the Send FRC response in the same way as if the sensor devices were online.


The FRC aggregation consists of the following steps:

1.     Catch FrcValue event in the Custom DPA Handler.

2.     Check for the supported FRC command(s).

3.     Clear aggregation bufferINFO.

4.     Loop all addressed Nodes.

5.     If the addressed node FRC value should be aggregated then store the value at aggregation buffer at the same place the data would appear in the Send FRC response.

6.     Call DpaApiAggregateFrc().

7.     Exit FrcValue event handler.


Please see CustomDpaHandler-FrcAggregation.c and CustomDpaHandler-BeamingAggregation.c examples for the implementation details.