Help > Basics > Interfaces > Peripherals vs. Interfaces > Interface

The interface connects any ([C] or [N]) network device to the external autonomous device and allows the external device to control the network and/or network device. By default the interface is always enabled at [C] device because it gives an external device means to control the [C] as well as the rest of the network. The interface at [N] device is enabled if the appropriate DPA plug-in is uploaded. See DPA Messages for details of the messages exchanged over the interface. Next table shows some differences in the interface behavior at different network devices:






DPA Messages

DPA Request (in)
DPA Confirmation (out)
DPA Response (out)

DPA Request (in)
DPA Response (out)
DPA Notification (out)

NADR at DPA Request

See NADR at General message parameters. Invalid value generates an ERROR_NADR error code. Both values 0x0000 and 0x00FC address the [C] device itself.

Only value 0x00FC is allowed and it addresses the [N] device itself. Other values are silently ignored. There is no way to directly control [C] device coupled to [N] by its interface.


See Examples of interface usage.