DPA protocol uses byte
structured messages to communicate at the IQMESH network. Every message always contains
four mandatory parameters NADR, PNUM, PCMD, and HWPID (foursome from now). The message can
optionally hold data (array of bytes often referred to as PData throughout the
document) to be transmitted or received. They are always described next to the
foursome throughout this document. Although foursome parameters are typically
described next to each other in this document, they do not have to be stored at
consecutive memory addresses in the real scenario. The same rule does not apply
to the message data.
Please note that a Response, Confirmation, and Notification (with a small exception) DPA messages always contain the same NADR, PNUM, and PCMD as the original DPA Request message except the response message is flagged by the most significant bit of PCMD.
All values wider than one byte are encoded using little-endian style unless otherwise specified.
Symbols, variables, structures, methods, etc. mentioned in this document are defined in header files DPA.h and DPAcustomHandler.h. Please consult IQRF OS documentation whenever an IQRF OS function is referenced in this document.