Message parameters
Help > Basics > Message parameters

All numbers are in the hexadecimal format unless otherwise noted.



Value [hex]



00        IQMESH Coordinator

01-EF     IQMESH Node address
F0-FB     Reserved

FC        Local (over interface) device
FD        Reserved
FE        IQMESH temporary address

FF        IQMESH broadcast address

100-FFFF  Reserved

Network device address. Although it is 2 bytes wide, the 2B addressing is not supported (a higher byte is ignored).



01        NODE

02        OS

03        EEPROM

04        EEEPROM

05        RAM

06        LEDR

07        LEDG

08        Reserved

09        IO

0A        Thermometer

0B        Reserved

0C        UART

0D        FRC

0E-1F     Reserved

20-3E     User peripherals

3F        Not available

40-7F     Reserved

80-FD     Not available


FF        Not available

Peripheral number

(0x00–0x1F reserved for embedded peripherals)

(0x40–0x7F reserved for IQRF standard peripherals)



0-3E      Command value

3F        Not available

40-7F     Command value

80-FF     Not available

Command specifying an action to be taken. The allowed value range depends on the peripheral type.

The most significant bit is reserved for the indication of the DPA response message.



0000      Default HW Profile

0001-xxxE Certified HW Profiles

C05E      OTA Handler

xxxF      User HW Profiles

FFFF      Reserved

HW profile ID (HWPID from now) uniquely specifies (the functionality of) the device, the user peripherals it implements, its behavior, etc. The only device having the same HWPID as the DPA Request will execute the request. When 0xFFFF is specified then the device with any HW profile ID will execute the request. Note - HWPID numbers used throughout this document are fictitious ones.



An array of bytes. The maximum length is limited to 56 bytes (decimal).

Optional message data.