DPA protocol (messages) is transferred over an interface that connects (DC)TR module (“slave”) to a superordinate system (”master”).
• Master sends DPA Request.
• If addressee (NADR) is a (remote) IQMESH [N], not a local over the interface connected device (applies only to [C]), then:
• The device immediately sends DPA Confirmation back to the interface master.
• [N] processes the DPA message.
• If the DPA message does not have a read-only (can be configured by EnableIFaceNotificationOnRead) side-effect and the interface is enabled for the DPA communication at the [N] side, then the [N] sends DPA Notification to its interface.
• If the DPA message was not sent using the broadcast address.
• [N] returns DPA response to [C] via RF.
• [C] receives the DPA response and re-sends it to the interface master.
• In the case of a local device
• The device processes the DPA Request. In this case, both the sender and addressee address values of the request equal 0xFC (local address).
• The device returns the DPA response to the interface master.