Help > Basics > DPA Messages > Examples

Note: DPA Value, HWPID, and data read from the memory shown in the following examples may differ in the real scenario.


Example 1


Switching on a red LED at Coordinator:

         DPA Request (master slave)

NADR=0x0000, PNUM=0x06, PCMD=0x01, HWPID=0xFFFF


         DPA Response (slave master)

NADR=0x0000, PNUM=0x06, PCMD=0x81, HWPID=0xABCD, PData={0x00}(No error), {0x07}(DPA Value)



         NADR         0x0000 Specifies [C] address (0x00FC can be used too)

         PNUM        0x06     Specifies red LED peripheral

         PCMD        0x01     Set LED On command

         DPA Value              Coordinator’s DPA value


Example 2


Reading 2 bytes from RAM at address 1 of the local [N]:

         DPA Request (master slave)

NADR=0x00FC, PNUM=0x05, PCMD=0x00, HWPID=0xFFFF, PData={0x01}(Address), {0x02}(Length)

         DPA Response (slave master)

NADR=0x00FC, PNUM=0x05, PCMD=0x80, HWPID=0xABCD
(No error), {0x07}(DPA Value), {0xAB,0xCD}(Read data)



         NADR         0x00FC             Specifies local device address

         PNUM        0x05                 Specifies RAM peripheral

         PCMD        0x00                 Read command

         DPA Value                          Local Node’s value


Example 3


Switching on a green LED at a remote [N] with address 0x0A:


         DPA Request (master slave)

NADR=0x000A, PNUM=0x07, PCMD=0x01, HWPID=0xFFFF

         DPA Confirmation (slave master)

NADR=0x000A, PNUM=0x07, PCMD=0x01, HWPID=0xFFFF, PData={0xFF}(Confirmation), {0x07}(DPA Value), {0x06,0x04,0x06}(Hops, Timeslot length, Hops response)

         DPA Notification (slave master) at remote [N] side

NADR=0x0000, PNUM=0x07, PCMD=0x01, HWPID=0xABCD

         DPA Response (slave master)

NADR=0x000A, PNUM=0x07, PCMD=0x81, HWPID=0xABCD, PData={0x00}(No error), {0x06}(DPA Value)



         PNUM                0x07          Specifies the green LED peripheral.

         NADR                0x0000      At the notification specifies that the [C] sent the original DPA Request.

         DPA Value         DPA Confirmation: Coordinator’s value

                               DPA Request: remote Node’s value