DPA 3.03
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IQRF OS: 4.03D-08C8 (DCTR-7xD)

         Please see also Migration Notes.


Changes and enhancements

         Command OS Read reads IBK (Individual Bonding Key) too.

         Default bonding supports Smart Connect.

         The default bonding sleep timeout was extended to 5 hours.

         Read TR Configuration does not XOR values by 0x34 anymore.

         Write TR Configuration does not require checksum to be precomputed anymore.

         EEEPROM Extended Write can write over two adjacent 64-byte pages of the EEPROM chip at once.

         Command Discovery data marked as obsolete and will be removed in a future release. Use more powerful EEEPROM Extended Read instead.

         Peripheral PWM, which was formerly available only in the Demo version, was finally depreciated.

         Discarded command CMD_LED_GET at LED peripherals.

         DPA Service Mode (DSM) operates with a fixed RX filter of value 5 to be independent of potentially too high filter value at TR Configuration. DSM keeps using full TX power of value 7.

         The meaning of EEEPROM information enumeration parameters changed.

         Timeslot lengths updated for the current IQRF OS version. LP DPA got faster.

         Peripheral RAM buffer PeripheralRam is now allocated at the fixed address at bank #12 for sure.

         Compiler CC5X V3.7A is required for compiling the Custom DPA Handlers.


New features

         New command Smart Connect.

         New command Validate bonds.

         New command LED Flashing.

         New command Set MID.

         4 bytes FRC.

         Two new embedded FRC commands for the Autonetwork V2. Please see Prebonded alive and PrebondedMemoryReadPlus1.

         New embedded FRC command Test RF Signal.

         New API variable BondingSleepCountdown.


Bug Fixes

         Fixed an issue when the DPA for Node without DPA interface support at standard RF mode (HWP-Node-STD-7xD-V302-171116.iqrf or HWP-Node-STD-7xD-V301-170814.iqrf) did not initialize enabled SPI Peripheral.
The workaround was to call enableSPI() at DpaEvent_Init event.

         Fixed an issue when the DPA for Coordinator with a UART interface (HWP-Coordinator-STD-UART-7xD-V302-171116.iqrf or HWP-Coordinator-LP-UART-7xD-V302-171116.iqrf) did not shutdown the UART interface before Discovery, Reset, Restart, Run RFPGM, and LoadCode commands are executed. This might cause malfunctioning in case of discovery or missing DPA Response in other cases.

The workaround was to enable the Node interface at the TR Configuration although the device is the Coordinator.