Prebonded memory read plus 1
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FRC_PrebondedMemoryRead4BPlus1 = 0xF8


Collects 4 bytes. The command behaves similarly to Memory read plus 1 but it reads 4 bytes from the specified address of the prebonded [Ns] formerly addressed by the FRC command Prebonded alive. The 4 bytes are treated as unsigned int32 type value increased by 1 to allow returning a value 0x00000000. Therefore a value 0xFFFFFFFF cannot be read. It is necessary to keep the same NodeSeed value formerly used with Prebonded alive to use the same imaginary Nodes’ addresses. This command must be used only as a selective FRC command. The SelectedNodes bitmap equals the result of the Prebonded alive command. This ensures the same and accessible prebonded [Ns] are requested to return their bytes. One call of this FRC command can return up to 15 blocks of 4 bytes. If there are more than 4 bytes to read then just use the Offset parameter increased by 15 from the previous call (start with value 0). This will return next up to 15 MIDs starting from 16th, 31st, … [N] from the bitmap.


FRC user data has the following format:



2 … n





NodeSeed      Non-zero value used to generate (ideally) unique and imaginary addresses. Use the same value as for the previous call of Prebonded alive.

Offset            Allows reading next up to 15 MIDs from the addressed [Ns]. Values 0, 15, 30, … are typically used.

MemoryRead This variable-length field specified memory address to read after the specified DPA Requests is executed. It has the same format as FRC user data at the Memory read FRC command. The maximum length is 20 bytes.