Prebonded alive
Help > Peripherals > FRC > Embedded FRC Commands > Prebonded alive

FRC_PrebondedAlive = 0x03


Collects bits. This command addresses prebonded [Ns] although they all have the same IQMESH temporary address 0xFE. The command assigns (ideally) a unique and imaginary address to each prebonded [N] within the RF reach of the existing network. The address is deterministically computed from the Node’s unique MID and a non-zero parameter NodeSeed. The result of this FRC command is a bitmap (1st half of the result containing the bits #0) of the living prebonded [Ns]. The address can be later used with the same NodeSeed value at an FRC command  Prebonded memory read plus 1 to read Nodes’ MIDs for a subsequent [N] authorization that gives the [Ns] the final unique network addresses. It is necessary to use a different NodeSeed between every use of this FRC command to avoid possible duplication of the generated imaginary [N] addresses.


FRC user data has the following format:






NodeSeed      Non-zero value used to generate (ideally) unique and imaginary addresses.