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Supports TR modules with IQRF OS 4.00D or higher.

If the Access Password or User Key is enabled (will be uploaded), it is indicated by icon on the Security tab:

oSecurity disabled:

oSecurity enabled:

oSecurity enabled but contains default password:


Access Password

oApplicable only for applications using networking communication.

oUsed to store access password (0 - 16 characters) to the TR module. If less then 16 characters is entered, blank (number 0x00) is used for all omitted characters. If the field is left completely empty (no characters filled), the default password (16x number 0x00) is used (the same as the default set from the factory.

oThis password is used for:


The TR module working as a Node must have the same password like the Coordinator to be bonded to the network. The default factory password (see above) allows to create networks without any password setting in the same way like in IQRF OS lower than 4.00D. Anyway, it is recommended to use different password in every network.

Access via DPA Service Mode

Access via DPA Peer-to-Peer

DPA device restoring.

oThe password can be entered in ASCII or HEX format.


User Key

oUsed to store a key (0 - 16 characters) for encrypting/decrypting (AES128) of user data using IQRF OS functions encryptBufferRF() / decryptBufferRF(). If less then 16 characters is entered, blank (number 0x00) is used for all omitted characters. If the field is left completely empty (no characters filled), the default key (16x number 0x00) is used (the same as the default set from the factory.

oThe key can be entered in ASCII or HEX format.



Allowed characters:

oASCII format: 0-9 A-Z a-z !"#$%&"()*+,-./:;?@[\]^_`{}~[space]

oHEX format: 0-9 A-F a-f