DPA 3.01
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IQRF OS: 4.01D-08B7 (DCTR-7xD)

         Generated DPA version for Node at STD mode without Interface support. The name is "HWP-Node-STD-7xD-Vabc-yymmdd.iqrf".


Changes and enhancements

         With the introduction of standard IQRF peripherals, former Standard peripherals have been renamed to Embedded peripherals. Field StandardPer has been renamed to EmbeddedPers.

         DpaApiRfTxDpaPacket allows specifying a synchronous or asynchronous message.

         ReceiveDpaRequest is not raised at Remove bond command.

         Response values of Read Temperature have been changed from unsigned to signed integers.

         DpaApiLocalRequest can send a request to the peripheral that is not enabled in the TR Configuration.

         PIC HW UART peripheral interrupts can be handled at the Custom DPA Handler Interrupt event unless the DPA UART peripheral is not open or DPA UART Interface is not used. Formerly they could be handled if the DPA UART peripheral was not enabled in the TR Configuration or DPA UART Interface was not used.

         Both UART Peripheral and Interface now support 230 400 Baud rate.

         A flag indicating a missing Custom DPA Handler was documented at OS Read command.

         A flag indicating that no Interface is supported was introduced at OS Read command.

         The word “General” removed from the DPA plug-in filename.


New features

         Event BondingButton allows a simple redefining of the default (un)bonding button thus saving a considerable amount (around 90 instructions) of the handler code.

         Command Selective Batch allows selecting Nodes that will execute a broadcast request.

         Command Clear & Write & Read that unlike Write & Read clears UART RX buffer at first.

         Macro IfDpaEnumPeripherals_Else_PeripheralInfo_Else_PeripheralRequest() compared to IsDpaEnumPeripheralsRequest() and IsDpaPeripheralInfoRequest() saves some handler code (up to 10 instructions).

         Both FSR0 and FSR1 point to the message PData at the Custom DPA Handler entry.