DPA 3.00
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IQRF OS: 4.00D-08B1 (DCTR-7xD)

         DCTR-5xD devices are not supported anymore.

         The demo DPA version is not released anymore.

         DPA for the [CN] device is not released anymore.


Changes and enhancements

         User peripherals do not have to be numbered consequently starting from number 0x20.

         Enumeration response extended by a bitmap specifying implemented user peripheral.

         The interval of allowed PCMD values extended.

         Bonding UserData extended from 2 to 4 bytes at Enable remote bonding and Read remotely bonded module ID.

         Remote bonding can bond up to 7 Nodes. See also Read remotely bonded module ID and RemoteBondingCount.

         MID at Authorize bond extended from 2 to 4 bytes to avoid MID collisions.

         The discovery data address extended to 2 bytes and not multiplied by 16 anymore.

         The meaning of Par1 changed at EEEPROM enumeration.

         The unlimited address range of Extended Read.

         The address range of Extended Write limited to the lower 16 kB of EEEPROM only.

         Changed addresses of Autoexec and IO Setup at EEEPROM.

         IO Setup size extended from 32 to 64 bytes.

         Send FRC returns data from one more extra Node in the case of 1B and 2B FRC commands.

         Slot timing updated according to IQRF OS 4.00.

         Backup and Restore data length increased and AES-128 encrypted using an access password.

         DSM protected and encrypted by an AES-128 using an access password.

         FRC command value is accessible at _PCMD variable.

         CustomDpaHandler-ChangeIQRFOS.iqrf HWPID changed.

         The response that is sent when the device is started is marked by the new asynchronous flag.

         Usage of Write TR Configuration and Write TR Configuration byte inside Batch is not limited.

         Command OS Read additionally returns the shortest and the longest timeslot length.

         New parameter at DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster to specify asynchronous packets.

         Discarded commands:

         CMD_OS_SET_MID (irrelevant at IQRF OS 4.00)

         CMD_OS_SET_USEC (unused at current DSM)

         CMD_EEEPROM_READ (use Extended Read instead)

         CMD_EEEPROM_WRITE (use Extended Write instead)


New features

         Command Set Security.

         Deep sleep feature at Sleep.

         DPA API function DpaApiSetRfDefaults.

         IQRF OS Change process can also change the DPA version at the same time.