Help > Custom DPA Handler > DPA API > DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster

void DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster( uns8 dpaValue, uns8 flags )


Available at [C] and STD [N] with the interface. The function passes the prepared DPA packet (DPA Response) to the interface master. The function sends the DPA packet marked as asynchronous unless bit flags.0 is set.


The [C] device only:

If the interface master was not previously detected, then the call is ignored in the case of the SPI interface. If there is some older data at the interface bus not being collected by the interface master yet then the function waits until the data is read.


Calling DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster is allowed only at Idle, IFaceReceive, and ReceiveDpaResponse events.


☼ See example codes CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-FRCandSleep.c, CustomDpaHandler-Coordinator-PollNodes.c for more details.