DPA 2.26
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IQRF OS: 3.08D-0858/3.08D-0879 (DCTR-5xD/DCTR-7xD)


Changes and enhancements

         The size of both read and write peripheral UART Write & Read circular buffers extended from 32 to 64 bytes. A maximum number of bytes transferred by this command extended from 32 to 55 bytes.

         Initial checksum value at LoadCode when loading Custom DPA Handler changed from 0x0000 to 0x0001.

         If Custom DPA Handler is enabled at the TR Configuration but it is missing (not loaded in the Flash memory) then a response return code ERROR_MISSING_CUSTOM_DPA_HANDLER is not returned anymore when explicitly a peripheral OS is used. The request to the OS peripheral is executed.

         Set FRC Params now returns previous values.

         Read OS now returns an extra byte reserved for future use.


New features

         Command LoadCode also supports loading code from IQRF plug-ins (.iqrf files). It allows e.g. upgrading the DPA version over the network.

         Implemented CustomDpaHandler-ChangeIQRFOS.iqrf handler for changing the IQRF OS version over the network.

         Autonetwork examples support LP mode.


Bug fixes

         Fixed an issue when new commands Extended Read and Extended Write undesirably modified first 3 bytes of peripheral RAM memory space.

         Fixed an issue when the UART interface might receive a frame missing starting HDLC flag Sequence byte 0x7e.