DPA 2.24
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IQRF OS: 3.07D-0852/3.07D-0870 (DCTR-5xD/DCTR-7xD)


Changes and enhancements

         Command Discovery data returns 48 bytes instead of formerly 16 bytes.


New features

         New commands Extended Read and Extended Write to access 16 kB of DCTR-7xD external EEPROM memory.

         New command LoadCode for loading Custom DPA Handler code from external EEPROM into MCU Flash memory.


Bug fixes

         Fixed an issue at DCTR7x devices when during precise sleep the current drawn exceeds approx. 500 µA.

         Fixed an issue when released DPA 2.20+ plug‑ins for DCTR-7xD devices overwrite tailing (above size 736) instructions of Custom DPA Handler.

Workaround - upload Custom DPA Handler after DPA plug‑in, but not in the inverse order.