DPA 2.10
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IQRF OS: 3.06D-0707 (DCTR-5xD)


Changes and enhancements

         Foursome parameters NAdr, PNum, PCmd capitalized to NADR, PNUM, and PCMD.

         Foursome parameter HwProfile renamed to HWPID.

         Updated timing recommendation, see DPA Confirmation.

         DpaEvent_None event renamed to DpaEvent_DpaRequest.

         CMD_OS_SLEEP - Control bit 0 and bit 3 functionality enhanced and changed.

         Brown-out Reset disabled after the device starts.

         Extra 32 bytes added to both EEPROM and EEEPROM peripherals.

         IQRF OS variable DataOutBeforeResponseFRC type changed from uns16 to uns8[30].

         System DPA value bit 0 returns value of DSMactivated variable.

         DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster has a new parameter.

         User DPA Value is stored at the UserDpaValue variable. It is not transferred via the userReg0 variable at the Idle event only anymore.

         Set Hops does not limit the number of hops to the VRN of the addressed and discovered Node anymore.

         UART interface uses more sophisticated 8-bit CRC instead of simple XOR checksum to protect data.

         DpaApiSendToIFaceMaster works even when IFaceMasterNotConnected is set in the case when the UART interface is used.

         DpaApiRfTxDpaPacketCoordinator now returns a number of hops to deliver DPA Request back to the Coordinator.

New features

         Full low-power (LP) support (i.e. bonding, Discovery, and FRC).

         FRC Acknowledged Broadcast.

         Custom DPA Handler auto-detection.

         IO Setup (early Autoexec).

         Extra 32 bytes memory space added to EEPROM and external EEPROM peripherals.

Bug fixes

         Fixed an issue when NADR did not contain original sender address at (1.) DpaEvent_Notification event at the [C] device or (2.) inside the Batch request.

         Fixed an issue when NADR did not contain recipient address at DpaEvent_DpaRequest event when DPA Request was part of Batch (or Autoexec) request.

         Fixed an issue with the [C] device where the asynchronous or local requests might not be executed (because of internal HWPID variable was not initialized) until enumeration of [C] peripherals was performed.

         Fixed an issue where at CMD_OS_SLEEP wake up on pin did not work when the calibration was initiated too (always the 1st time the CMD_OS_SLEEP was requested).

         Fixed an issue when using CMD_IO_SET as a part of Autoexec or CMD_OS_BATCH might cause device malfunction.

         Flushing internal buffers of SPI or UART before calling IQRF OS functions that use shared bufferCOM or when the device is going to sleep or reset.

         Improved disabling/enabling SPI/UART peripherals/interfaces before calling IQRF OS functions that use shared bufferCOM or when the device is going to sleep or reset.