Command Line Parameters

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Command Line Parameters

It is possible to launch the IQRF IDE with one or more parameters: IQRF_IDE.exe [parameter] <file name>


o/? or /HELP - Displays this help.

o/ONEINST - Allows only one instance of the application. Attempting to start another instance activates the first one. Up to three instances can be started without this parameter.

o/DISPLAY:x - Launches the application on the display with the specified number x. If the display is not found or this parameter is not used, the primary display is used.

o/USBDEV:x - Connects an IDE IQRF with the specified device. The x is a case-insensitive serial number, e.g. 0E00015D. See also the Create Shortcut feature.

o/CONFIG:path - Specifies the path to the alternate IQRF IDE configuration file (menu Tools / Options settings) IQRF_IDE.idecnfg. The default path is "C:\ProgramData\IQRF IDE4".

o<file name> - IQRF project file name *.iqrfprj



IQRF_IDE.exe /DISPLAY:2 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\IQRF IDE4\default.iqrfprj"


IQRF_IDE.exe /CONFIG:"C:\my IDE config"