Migration Notes from DPA 3.0x to DPA 4.xx
Help > Basics > RF Devices and Networks > Migration Notes from DPA 3.0x to DPA 4.xx

It is important to prepare existing devices before the migration to the DPA 4.xx from DPA 3.0x.

         The [C] that will control the STD+LP network must have NtwType correctly bit set before the DPA is migrated if the OTA is not used.

         Some mains powered devices running with a former DPA version at LP network had to have a special Custom DPA handler just for LP networks in the past. With DPA 4.xx they can have a former STD Custom DPA Handler that will be compatible with both network types. Please consult your device manufacturer with a proper Custom DPA handler to upload.

         Already bonded STD [N] that can run both in STD+LP and STD networks must be upgraded to the DPA 4.xx using OTA only. OTA process ensures that the STD [N] will be properly set up for the future STD+LP or STD network. If the DPA is updated by uploading the DPA plug-in, then it is not possible to find out whether the network the STD [N] is bonded to is STD+LP or STD (the network RF mode can be found out only during bonding or OTA) thus the STD [N] will not work at the new DPA 4.xx network.