Handler Example
Help > Custom DPA Handler > Handler Example

The typical skeleton of the Custom DPA Handler looks like this (see CustomDpaHandler-Template-Node.c source code example for a complete template for Node):


// Default IQRF include

#include "IQRF.h"


// Uncomment to implement Custom DPA Handler for Coordinator



// Default DPA header

#include "DPA.h"

// Default Custom DPA Handler header

#include "DPAcustomHandler.h"


// Real Custom DPA Handler function

bit CustomDpaHandler ()


 // Handler presence mark



 // Detect DPA event to handle

 switch ( GetDpaEvent() )


  case DpaEvent_Interrupt:

   // …

   return Carry;


  // Other events …

  case DpaEvent_Idle:

   // …

   return Carry;


  case DpaEvent_DpaRequest:

   if ( IsDpaEnumPeripheralsRequest() )

     // Enumerate Peripherals


       // …

       return TRUE;


   else if ( IsDpaPeripheralInfoRequest() )

     // Get Peripheral Info


       // …

       return TRUE;



     // Peripheral Request


       // …

       return TRUE;




 return FALSE;



// Default Custom DPA Handler header

// (2nd include to implement Code bumper to detect too long code of the handler)

#include "DPAcustomHandler.h"