Help > Custom DPA Handler > Events Flow > Node

Pseudocode applies to the [N] device. For details about the details of the device startup, see a dedicated chapter.


if IO Setup enabled

    Run IO Setup


DPA Service Mode


if the [N] is bonded and not [Reset]

    Default unbonding procedure


while the [N] is not bonded

    if not [Reset]

        Default bonding procedure



Send Reset response to Interface


    if DPA Request packet received from the network

        if not system packet

            if not peer to peer packet

                if not FRC request

                    if not [ReceiveDpaRequest]

                        if embedded peripheral

                            Execute embedded DPA peripheral Request


                            [Handle Peripheral Request]


                    if packet was not broadcasted

                        Wait for [C]>[N] routing to finish

                        Transmit DPA Response back to the network


                    if Interface enabled

                        Send DPA Notification to Interface

                    Wait for [C]>[N] routing to finish

                    Execute optional [sync] part of the DPA Request



                    Wait for [C]>[N] routing to finish

                    if LocalFRC and ( LocalFRC not enabled or not [VerifyLocalFrc] )

                        Stop processing FRC

                    if not predefined FRC command


                    Response FRC value


                if peer to peer packet enabled





    if local DPA Request packet received from enabled Interface

        if not [ReceiveDpaRequest]

            if embedded peripheral

                Execute embedded DPA peripheral Request


                [Handle Peripheral Request]


        Send DPA Response back to Interface


        Execute optional [sync] part of the DPA Request

