[0x81] Binary Data7
Help > Sensor Types > [0x81] Binary Data7

         The return value is 7 bits of data of the unspecified meaning. It can be proprietary used by the sensor for returning error states, binary inputs, counters, etc.


bit: 0…6                Binary data.

bit: 7                     Specifies a sensor error. If this bit set then binary data is not valid. Binary data bits 0-6 must be zeroed.


         FRC 2-bits: FRC return bit is a bit value of the binary data7 value at the bit position specified by the 3 extended data bits at UserData[2]. If the bit is set, then 0b11 otherwise 0b10 is returned. For instance, 0x41 returns the value of the bit #2 of the binary data7 sensor with index 1.

         FRC 1-byte: FRC return value is the return value +4 (i.e. 4 is 0=0x00, 131=0x83 is 127=0x7F).