[0x1F] Binary input
Help > Sensor Types > [0x1F] Binary input


         The return value is non-zero unsigned 2-byte wide containing a state, a class and a counter of the binary input. The format is the following:

         b.0                   0: binary input is inactive
                  1: binary input is active

         b.1-b.7            Counter of the input state changes. Maximum value 0x7F overflows to 0x00.

         b.8-b.14           Class of the binary input

         0x00           Unused

         0x01-0x0F   Unspecified1-Unspecified15

         0x10           Window open

         0x11           Door open

         0x12           Flood

         0x13           Presence

         …               ToDo

         … 0x7F      Reserved

         b.15                 0: value ok
                  1: error


The recommended visual numeric representation is the c.s.nnn where c is class in decimal radix, s is a state and nnn is counter. Example: 16.0.123 is Closed window while the window was open/closed 123 times.


         FRC 2-byte: FRC return value equals unmodified return value.