[0x05] Earth’s Magnetic Field
Help > Sensor Types > [0x05] Earth’s Magnetic Field

         The return value is 2 bytes wide signed (two's complement) value, the unit is 1 T (Tesla), the resolution is 0.1 µT, the range is ±3.2767 mT. Value 0x8000 (i.e. -3.2768 mT) specifies a sensor error.


         FRC 2-byte: FRC return value is the magnetic field value +0x8000 that actually causes inverting of the most significant sign bit (i.e. 0xB039=45,113 is 1.2345 mT). Because of FRC predefined values the raw values from 0x8000 to 0x8003 (i.e. -3.2767 mT to -3.2755 mT) cannot be passed.