[0x03] VOC (volatile organic compounds)
Help > Sensor Types > [0x03] VOC (volatile organic compounds)

         The return value is 2 bytes wide unsigned VOC concentration value, the unit is 1 ppm, the resolution is 1 ppm, and the theoretical range is from 0 to 32,767 ppm. Value 0x8000 (i.e. 32,768 ppm) specifies a sensor error. Greater values are not used.


         FRC 1-byte: FRC return value uses 16 ppm resolution. Return value F = ( VOC / 16 ) + 4 so VOC = ( F ‑ 4 ) * 16 (i.e. 4 is 0 ppm, 255 is 4,016 ppm). Range is from 0 ppm to 4,016 ppm. When the value is above this range, FRC error value is returned.

         FRC 2-byte: FRC return value is VOC value +4 (i.e. 0x1160=4,448 is 4,444 ppm).