[0x01] Temperature
Help > Sensor Types > [0x01] Temperature

         The return value is 2 bytes wide signed (two's complement) temperature value, the unit is 1 °C, the resolution is 1/16 °C = 0.0625 °C, and the theoretical range is ±2,047.9375 °C. Value 0x8000 (i.e. -2,048.0000 °C) specifies a sensor error.

         FRC 1-byte: uses ½ °C resolution. FRC return value F = ( t + 22 ) * 2 so t = F / 2 ‑ 22 (i.e. 4 is ‑20.0 °C, 44 is 0.0 °C, 255 is 105.5 °C). Range is from ‑20.0 °C to 105.5 °C. When the value is out of this range, FRC error value is returned.

         FRC 2-byte: FRC value is 2-byte return value +0x8000 that actually causes inverting of the most significant sign bit (i.e. 0x8000 is 0.0000 °C, 0x8640 is 100.0000 °C, 0x79C0 is ‑100.0000 °C).