Response Codes
Help > Constants > Response Codes

STATUS_NO_ERROR =            0, // No error

ERROR_FAIL =                 1, // General fail

ERROR_PCMD =                 2, // Incorrect PCMD

ERROR_PNUM =                 3, // Incorrect PNUM or PCMD

ERROR_ADDR =                 4, // Incorrect Address

ERROR_DATA_LEN =             5, // Incorrect Data length

ERROR_DATA =                 6, // Incorrect Data

ERROR_HWPID =                7, // Incorrect HW Profile ID used

ERROR_NADR =                 8, // Incorrect NADR

ERROR_IFACE_CUSTOM_HANDLER = 9, // Data from interface consumed by Custom DPA Handler

ERROR_MISSING_CUSTOM_DPA_HANDLER = 10, // Custom DPA Handler is missing


ERROR_USER_FROM =            0x20, // Beginning of the user code error interval

ERROR_USER_TO =              0x3F, // End of the user error code interval

STATUS_RESERVED_FLAG =       0x40, // Bit/flag reserved for a future use

STATUS_ASYNC_RESPONSE =      0x80, // Bit to flag asynchronous DPA Response from [N]


STATUS_CONFIRMATION =        0xFF  // Error code used to mark DPA Confirmation