Executing Code Upload
Help > DPA in Practice > Code Upload > Executing Code Upload

Once the content of the .hex or .iqrf file is stored in the external EEPROM then the request LoadCode can be executed at the device to load the code. We recommend first running the command to check the checksum of the data at the external EEPROM only to make sure the code upload will not later fail. In case more devices are to load the code, it is useful to use the byte FRC command Memory read plus 1 to read the result of the checksum check from multiple devices instead of individual polling each device one by one. When FRC is used then it is necessary to use Send Selective instead of Send in case of a larger network. When all devices have the correct data at external EEPROM ready then finally the request LoadCode can be fully executed to perform the desired code upload. To run the request at selected devices only then specific HWPID or Acknowledged broadcast - bits with Send Selective are to be used. Pay special attention when the former or new uploaded handler requires its data to be stored at the internal and/or external EEPROM. See LoadCode for more details.