1 // *********************************************************************
    2 //   Custom DPA Handler code example - Standard Sensors - DDC-SE-01    *
    3 // *********************************************************************
    4 // Copyright (c) IQRF Tech s.r.o.
    5 //
    6 // File:    $RCSfile: 0002_DDC-SE01.c,v $
    7 // Version: $Revision: 1.23 $
    8 // Date:    $Date: 2019/04/03 09:27:58 $
    9 //
   10 // Revision history:
   11 //   2018/10/25  Release for DPA 3.03
   12 //   2017/11/16  Release for DPA 3.02
   13 //   2017/08/14  Release for DPA 3.01
   14 //
   15 // *********************************************************************
   17 // Online DPA documentation http://www.iqrf.org/DpaTechGuide/
   18 // IQRF Standards documentation https://www.iqrfalliance.org/techDocs/
   20 // This example implements 4 sensors according to the IQRF Sensors standard
   21 // 1st sensor is on-board TR temperature sensor.
   22 // 2nd sensor is either Dallas 18B20 or MCP9802 temperature sensor at DDC-SE-01 board (according to the HW jumper position) chosen at the runtime based on the SW detection.
   23 // 3rd sensor is light intensity indicator at DDC-SE-01 board (value range is 0[max light]-127[max dark]).
   24 // 4th sensor is potentiometer value at DDC-SE-01 board (value range is 0[left stop]-127[right stop]).
   26 // Default IQRF include (modify the path according to your setup)
   27 #include "IQRF.h"
   29 // Default DPA header (modify the path according to your setup)
   30 #include "DPA.h"
   31 // Default Custom DPA Handler header (modify the path according to your setup)
   32 #include "DPAcustomHandler.h"
   33 // IQRF standards header (modify the path according to your setup)
   34 #include "IQRFstandard.h"
   35 #include "IQRF_HWPID.h"
   37 //############################################################################################
   39 // Number of implemented sensors
   40 #define SENSORS_COUNT 4
   42 // Variable to store sensor value at Get?_????() methods. This example implements sensors returning maximum 2 bytes of data.
   43 uns16 sensorValue @ param3;
   45 // Reads sensor value to the sensorValue variable and to responseFRCvalue(2B) variable
   46 bit Get0_TemperatureTR();
   47 bit Get1_Temperature();
   48 bit Get2_BinaryData_Light();
   49 bit Get3_BinaryData_Potentiometer();
   51 // Temperature sensors read routine for both DDC-SE-01 sensor types
   52 void GetTemperature();
   53 // Read preset PIC ADC for DDC-SE-01
   54 uns8 ReadAdc();
   56 // Stores sensor value byte(s) to the FSR1[+1...], in case of PCMD_STD_SENSORS_READ_TYPES_AND_VALUES sensor type is stored before value byte(s)
   57 void StoreValue( uns8 sensorType );
   59 // Sensor connected to PORT C.3 (compatible with DDC-SE-01)
   60 #define OneWire_TRIS         TRISC.3
   61 #define OneWire_IO_IN        PORTC.3
   62 #define OneWire_IO_OUT       LATC.3
   64 // Writes sensor configuration (resolution)
   65 bit Ds18B20WriteConfig( uns8 value );
   67 // Resets OneWire
   68 bit OneWireReset();
   69 // Reads OneWire byte
   70 uns8 OneWireReadByte();
   71 // Writes OneWire byte
   72 void OneWireWriteByte( uns8 byte );
   74 // DS18B20 commands
   75 #define CMD_READROM       0x33
   76 #define CMD_CONVERTTEMP   0x44
   77 #define CMD_CPYSCRATCHPAD 0x48
   78 #define CMD_WSCRATCHPAD   0x4e
   79 #define CMD_MATCHROM      0x55
   80 #define CMD_RPWRSUPPLY    0xb4
   81 #define CMD_RECEEPROM     0xb8
   82 #define CMD_RSCRATCHPAD   0xbe
   83 #define CMD_SKIPROM       0xcc
   84 #define CMD_ALARMSEARCH   0xec
   85 #define CMD_SEARCHROM     0xf0
   87 // I2C routines
   88 void i2c_init();
   89 void i2c_shutdown();
   90 void i2c_waitForIdle();
   91 void i2c_start();
   92 void i2c_repStart();
   93 void i2c_stop();
   94 uns8 i2c_read( bit ack );
   95 void i2c_write( uns8 i2cWriteData );
   97 // MCP9802 address
   98 #define I2C_ADR             0b10010110
   99 // Power pin
  100 #define PWR_SENSOR_TRIS     TRISC.7
  101 #define PWR_SENSOR_IO       LATC.7
  103 // Special temperature value to indicate a sensor error, compatible with IQRF sensor standard
  104 #define ERROR_TEMPERATURE 0x8000
  106 // TRUE if DS18B20 is enabled at runtime at startup, FALSE in case of MCP9802
  107 bit isDS18B20;
  108 // Final DS18B20 temperature value read by state machine
  109 uns16 temperature;
  111 // Must be the 1st defined function in the source code in order to be placed at the correct FLASH location!
  112 //############################################################################################
  113 bit CustomDpaHandler()
  114 //############################################################################################
  115 {
  116   // This forces CC5X to wisely use MOVLB instructions (doc says:  The 'default' bank is used by the compiler for loops and labels when the algorithm gives up finding the optimal choice)
  117 #pragma updateBank default = UserBank_01
  119   // Finite machine states
  120   typedef enum
  121   {
  122     S_ResetConvertT = 0,
  123     S_SkipRomConvertT,
  124     S_CmdConvertT,
  126     S_WaitConvertT,
  128     S_ResetReadTemp,
  129     S_SkipRomReadTemp,
  130     S_CmdReadTemp,
  131     S_Byte1ReadTemp,
  132     S_Byte2ReadTemp
  133   } TState;
  135   // Handler presence mark
  136   clrwdt();
  138   // Sleeping parameters, valid when Time != 0
  139   static TPerOSSleep_Request PerOSSleep_Request;
  140   // Finite machine state
  141   static uns8 state; // = S_ResetConvertT = 0
  142   // Pre-read lower temperature byte
  143   static uns8 temperatureByteLow;
  144   // Conversion timeout counter
  145   static uns8 timeout;
  147   // Detect DPA event to handle
  148   switch ( GetDpaEvent() )
  149   {
  150     // -------------------------------------------------
  151     case DpaEvent_Interrupt:
  152       // Do an extra quick background interrupt work
  153       // ! The time spent handling this event is critical.If there is no interrupt to handle return immediately otherwise keep the code as fast as possible.
  154       // ! Make sure the event is the 1st case in the main switch statement at the handler routine.This ensures that the event is handled as the 1st one.
  155       // ! It is desirable that this event is handled with immediate return even if it is not used by the custom handler because the Interrupt event is raised on every MCU interrupt and the “empty” return handler ensures the shortest possible interrupt routine response time.
  156       // ! Only global variables or local ones marked by static keyword can be used to allow reentrancy.
  157       // ! Make sure race condition does not occur when accessing those variables at other places.
  158       // ! Make sure( inspect.lst file generated by C compiler ) compiler does not create any hidden temporary local variable( occurs when using division, multiplication or bit shifts ) at the event handler code.The name of such variable is usually Cnumbercnt.
  159       // ! Do not call any OS functions except setINDFx().
  160       // ! Do not use any OS variables especially for writing access.
  161       // ! All above rules apply also to any other function being called from the event handler code, although calling any function from Interrupt event is not recommended because of additional MCU stack usage.
  163       // ms per TMR6 interrupt
  164 #define TICKS_LEN  10
  166       //  If TMR6 interrupt occurred
  167       if ( TMR6IF )
  168       {
  169         // Unmask interrupt
  170         TMR6IF = 0;
  171         // Decrement count
  172         if ( timeout != 0 )
  173           timeout--;
  174       }
  175       return Carry;
  177       // -------------------------------------------------
  178     case DpaEvent_Idle:
  179       // Do a quick background work when RF packet is not received
  181       // Should go to sleep?
  182       if ( PerOSSleep_Request.Time != 0 )
  183       {
  184         // Copy sleep parameters to the DPA request
  185         _DpaMessage.PerOSSleep_Request.Time = PerOSSleep_Request.Time;
  186         _DpaMessage.PerOSSleep_Request.Control = PerOSSleep_Request.Control;
  187         // Switch off sleeping time=flag
  188         PerOSSleep_Request.Time = 0;
  189         // Finalize OS Sleep DPA Request
  190         _DpaDataLength = sizeof( _DpaMessage.PerOSSleep_Request );
  191         _PNUM = PNUM_OS;
  192         _PCMD = CMD_OS_SLEEP;
  193         // Perform local DPA Request to go to sleep
  194         DpaApiLocalRequest();
  195       }
  197       // Run finite state machine to read temperature from DS18B20 at background so the temperature value is immediately ready for FRC 
  198       if ( !isDS18B20 )
  199         break;
  201       // Make sure 1Wire data pin at LATX.y is low as it might be set by another PORTX.? pin manipulation
  202       OneWire_IO_OUT = 0;
  204       skip( state );
  205 #pragma computedGoto 1
  206       goto _S_ResetConvertT;
  207       goto _S_SkipRomConvertT;
  208       goto _S_CmdConvertT;
  209       goto _S_WaitConvertT;
  210       goto _S_ResetReadTemp;
  211       goto _S_SkipRomReadTemp;
  212       goto _S_CmdReadTemp;
  213       goto _S_Byte1ReadTemp;
  214       goto _S_Byte2ReadTemp;
  215 #pragma computedGoto 0
  216       ;
  217       // --------------
  218 _S_Byte2ReadTemp:
  219       temperature.high8 = OneWireReadByte();
  220       temperature.low8 = temperatureByteLow;
  222 ResetMachine:
  223       state = S_ResetConvertT;
  224       goto ExitMachine;
  226       // --------------
  227 _S_ResetConvertT:
  228 _S_ResetReadTemp:
  229       if ( !OneWireReset() )
  230       {
  231 _S_Error_Reset:
  232         temperature = ERROR_TEMPERATURE;
  233         goto ResetMachine;
  234       }
  235       goto NextState;
  237       // --------------
  238 _S_SkipRomConvertT:
  239 _S_SkipRomReadTemp:
  240       // OneWire: Skip ROM
  241       OneWireWriteByte( CMD_SKIPROM );
  242       goto NextState;
  244       // --------------
  245 _S_CmdConvertT:
  246       // OneWire: Convert temperature
  247       OneWireWriteByte( CMD_CONVERTTEMP );
  248       // Setup timeout for approx 750 ms (the longest conversion time)
  249       timeout = 2 + 750 / TICKS_LEN;
  250       goto NextState;
  252       // --------------
  253 _S_WaitConvertT:
  254       if ( OneWireReadByte() == 0xff )
  255         goto NextState;
  257       // Timeout?
  258       if ( timeout == 0 )
  259         goto _S_Error_Reset;
  261       goto ExitMachine;
  263       // --------------
  264 _S_CmdReadTemp:
  265       // OneWire: Read scratchpad
  266       OneWireWriteByte( CMD_RSCRATCHPAD );
  267       goto NextState;
  269       // --------------
  270 _S_Byte1ReadTemp:
  271       temperatureByteLow = OneWireReadByte();
  272       goto NextState;
  274       // --------------
  275 NextState:
  276       ++state;
  278 ExitMachine:
  279       break;
  281       // -------------------------------------------------
  282     case DpaEvent_Init:
  283       // Do a one time initialization work before main loop starts
  285       // Initialize sensors
  286       // C5 (AN4) as input 
  287       moduleInfo();
  288       // Connected TR pins?
  289       if ( !bufferINFO[5].7 )
  290       {
  291         TRISC.6 = 1;
  292         TRISB.4 = 1;
  293       }
  294       TRISA.5 = 1;
  296       // C1 (AN0) as input 
  297       TRISA.0 = 1;
  299       // Setup TMR6 to generate ticks on the background (ticks every 10ms)
  300 #if F_OSC == 16000000
  301       PR6 = 250 - 1;
  302       T6CON = 0b0.1001.1.10;    // Prescaler 16, Postscaler 10, 16 * 10 * 250 = 40000 = 4MHz * 10ms
  303 #else
  304 #error Unsupported oscillator frequency
  305 #endif
  307       // Setup DS18B20 for 9bit precision, conversion takes 94ms (see datasheet)
  308       if ( Ds18B20WriteConfig( 0b0.00.00000 ) )
  309         // DS18B20 is enabled
  310         isDS18B20 = TRUE;
  311       else
  312         // Expect MCP9802 is enabled
  313         i2c_init();
  315       break;
  317       // -------------------------------------------------
  318     case DpaEvent_AfterSleep:
  319       // Called after woken up after sleep
  320       if ( !isDS18B20 )
  321         i2c_init();
  323       // Called on wake-up from sleep
  324       TMR6IE = TRUE;
  325       TMR6ON = TRUE;
  326       break;
  328       // -------------------------------------------------
  329     case DpaEvent_BeforeSleep:
  330       // Called before going to sleep
  331       if ( !isDS18B20 )
  332         i2c_shutdown();
  334       // -------------------------------------------------
  335     case DpaEvent_DisableInterrupts:
  336       // Called when device needs all hardware interrupts to be disabled (before Reset, Restart, LoadCode, Remove bond, and Run RFPGM)
  337       // Must not use TMR6 any more
  338       TMR6ON = FALSE;
  339       TMR6IE = FALSE;
  340       break;
  342       // -------------------------------------------------
  343     case DpaEvent_DpaRequest:
  344       // Called to interpret DPA request for peripherals
  345       // -------------------------------------------------
  346       // Peripheral enumeration
  347       if ( IsDpaEnumPeripheralsRequest() )
  348       {
  349         // We implement 1 standard user peripheral
  350         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.UserPerNr = 1;
  351         FlagUserPer( _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.UserPer, PNUM_STD_SENSORS );
  352         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.HWPID = HWPID_IQRF_TECH__DEMO_DDC_SE01;
  353         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.HWPIDver = 0x0001;
  355 DpaHandleReturnTRUE:
  356         return TRUE;
  357       }
  358       // -------------------------------------------------
  359       // Get information about peripheral
  360       else if ( IsDpaPeripheralInfoRequest() )
  361       {
  362         if ( _PNUM == PNUM_STD_SENSORS )
  363         {
  364           _DpaMessage.PeripheralInfoAnswer.PerT = PERIPHERAL_TYPE_STD_SENSORS;
  365           _DpaMessage.PeripheralInfoAnswer.PerTE = PERIPHERAL_TYPE_EXTENDED_READ_WRITE;
  366           // Set standard version
  367           _DpaMessage.PeripheralInfoAnswer.Par1 = 13;
  368           goto DpaHandleReturnTRUE;
  369         }
  371         break;
  372       }
  373       // -------------------------------------------------
  374       else
  375       {
  376         // Handle peripheral command
  378         // Supported peripheral number?
  379         if ( _PNUM == PNUM_STD_SENSORS )
  380         {
  381           // Supported commands?
  382           switch ( _PCMD )
  383           {
  384             // Invalid command
  385             default:
  386               // Return error
  387               DpaApiReturnPeripheralError( ERROR_PCMD );
  389               // Sensor enumeration
  390             case PCMD_STD_ENUMERATE:
  391               if ( _DpaDataLength != 0 )
  392                 goto _ERROR_DATA_LEN;
  394               // Then just enumerate their types
  395               _DpaMessage.Response.PData[0] = STD_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE;
  396               _DpaMessage.Response.PData[1] = STD_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE;
  397               _DpaMessage.Response.PData[2] = STD_SENSOR_TYPE_BINARYDATA7;
  398               _DpaMessage.Response.PData[3] = STD_SENSOR_TYPE_BINARYDATA7;
  399               W = SENSORS_COUNT;
  400               goto _W2_DpaDataLength;
  402               // Supported commands. They are handled the same way except one "if" at StoreValue() method
  403             case PCMD_STD_SENSORS_READ_VALUES:
  405             {
  406               // No sensor bitmap specified? W = _DpaDataLength. Note: W is used to avoid MOVLB at next if
  407               W = _DpaDataLength;
  408               if ( W == 0 ) // Note: must not modify W
  409               {
  410                 // Actually clears the bitmap
  411 #if &_DpaMessage.Request.PData[0] != &bufferRF[0]
  412 #error
  413 #endif
  414                 clearBufferRF();
  415                 // Simulate 1st only sensor in the bitmap (states of the other unimplemented sensors do not care)
  416                 _DpaMessage.Request.PData[0].0 = 1;
  417                 // Bitmap is 32 bits long = 4
  418                 _DpaDataLength = W = 4;
  419               }
  421               // Invalid bitmap (data) length (W = _DpaDataLength)?
  422               if ( W != 4 )
  423               {
  425                 // Return error
  426                 DpaApiReturnPeripheralError( ERROR_DATA_LEN );
  427               }
  429               // Now read the sensors
  431               // Prepare pointer (minus 1, see below) to store sensor (types and) values to
  432               // Note: 4 sensors at this example cannot return more than DPA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH bytes of data, so it does not have to be checked...
  433               // ... If it would be the case, then ERROR_FAIL must be returned
  434               FSR1 = &_DpaMessage.Response.PData[-1];
  436               // Store bitmap of sensors to get values from
  437               uns8  sensorsBitmap = FSR1[1];
  439               // 1st sensor (index 0) selected?
  440               if ( sensorsBitmap.0 )
  441               {
  442                 Get0_TemperatureTR();
  443                 StoreValue( STD_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE );
  444               }
  446               // 2nd sensor (index 1) selected?
  447               if ( sensorsBitmap.1 )
  448               {
  449                 Get1_Temperature();
  450                 StoreValue( STD_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE );
  451               }
  453               // 3rd sensor (index 2) selected?
  454               if ( sensorsBitmap.2 )
  455               {
  456                 Get2_BinaryData_Light();
  457                 StoreValue( STD_SENSOR_TYPE_BINARYDATA7 );
  458               }
  460               // 4th sensor (index 3) selected?
  461               if ( sensorsBitmap.3 )
  462               {
  463                 Get3_BinaryData_Potentiometer();
  464                 StoreValue( STD_SENSOR_TYPE_BINARYDATA7 );
  465               }
  467               // Compute returned data bytes count
  468               W = FSR1L - ( (uns16)&_DpaMessage.Response.PData[0] & 0xFF ) + 1;
  469               // Optimization: return W long block of bytes at response
  470 _W2_DpaDataLength:
  471               _DpaDataLength = W;
  472               goto DpaHandleReturnTRUE;
  473             }
  474           }
  475         }
  477         break;
  478       }
  480       // -------------------------------------------------
  481     case DpaEvent_FrcValue:
  482       // Called to get FRC value
  484       // FSR1 for optimization purposes (avoid MOVLB) will be used to point to DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[0...]
  485       FSR1 = &DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[0];
  486       // Check for correct FRC user data
  487       if ( *FSR1++ /*DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[0]*/ == PNUM_STD_SENSORS )
  488       {
  489         // Actually used sensor index
  490         uns8 sensorIndex = FSR1[1] /*DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[2]*/ & 0x1f;
  491         // Test sensor type
  492         switch ( *FSR1++ /*DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[1]*/ )
  493         {
  494           default:
  495             goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  497             // No type specified, use specified index value
  498           case 0x00:
  499             goto _KeepSensorIndex;
  501             // For other types make the index value based on the requested index value and sensor type
  502           case STD_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE:
  503             if ( sensorIndex > 1 )
  504               goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  505             W = 0 + sensorIndex;
  506             break;
  508           case STD_SENSOR_TYPE_BINARYDATA7:
  509             if ( sensorIndex > 1 )
  510               goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  511             W = 2 + sensorIndex;
  512             break;
  513         }
  515         // New sensor index based on type and requested index
  516         sensorIndex = W;
  517 _KeepSensorIndex:
  519         // Test for supported FRC commands
  520         switch ( _PCMD )
  521         {
  522           default:
  523             goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  525           case FRC_STD_SENSORS_BIT:
  526           case FRC_STD_SENSORS_1B:
  527           case FRC_STD_SENSORS_2B:
  528             switch ( sensorIndex )
  529             {
  530               default:
  531                 goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  533               case 0:
  534                 Carry = Get0_TemperatureTR();
  535                 break;
  537               case 1:
  538                 Carry = Get1_Temperature();
  539                 break;
  541               case 2:
  542                 Carry = Get2_BinaryData_Light();
  543                 break;
  545               case 3:
  546                 Carry = Get3_BinaryData_Potentiometer();
  547                 break;
  548             }
  550             // This type of FRC is not valid for the specified sensor
  551             if ( !Carry )
  552               goto DpaHandleReturnFALSE;
  554             break;
  555         }
  557         // Some sensor was measured by FRC, check if there is a sleep request
  558         FSR1++;
  559         if ( INDF1.0 ) // Note: same as DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[3].0
  560         {
  561           // Remember sleep parameters to go to sleep at the Idle event later
  562           PerOSSleep_Request.Time.low8 = FSR1[4 - 3]; // Note: same as DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[4];
  563           PerOSSleep_Request.Time.high8 = FSR1[5 - 3]; // Note: same as DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[5];
  564           PerOSSleep_Request.Control = FSR1[6 - 3]; // Note: same as DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[6];
  565         }
  566       }
  568       break;
  570       // -------------------------------------------------
  571     case DpaEvent_FrcResponseTime:
  572       // Called to get FRC response time
  574       // In this example the FRC commands are fast 
  575       switch ( DataOutBeforeResponseFRC[0] )
  576       {
  577         case FRC_STD_SENSORS_BIT:
  578         case FRC_STD_SENSORS_1B:
  579         case FRC_STD_SENSORS_2B:
  580           responseFRCvalue = _FRC_RESPONSE_TIME_40_MS;
  581           break;
  582       }
  583       break;
  584   }
  585 DpaHandleReturnFALSE:
  586   return FALSE;
  587 }
  589 //############################################################################################
  590 // Increases FSR1 and then stores the byte
  591 void setPlusPlusINDF1( uns8 data @ W )
  592 //############################################################################################
  593 {
  594   FSR1++; // Note: must not modify W
  595   setINDF1( data );
  596 }
  598 //############################################################################################
  599 // Stores measured sensor value byte(s) and optionally sensor type to the FSR[+1...]
  600 void StoreValue( uns8 sensorType )
  601 //############################################################################################
  602 {
  603   // Is the sensor type to be stored too?
  605     setPlusPlusINDF1( sensorType );
  607   // Store lower value byte
  608   setPlusPlusINDF1( sensorValue.low8 );
  610   // No more value bytes to store?
  611   if ( sensorType.7 != 0 )
  612     return;
  614   // Store higher value byte
  615   setPlusPlusINDF1( sensorValue.high8 );
  617   // Note: this example implements sensors returning only 1 or 2 bytes of data. If another data widths are returned, then it must be implemented explicitly.
  618 }
  620 //############################################################################################
  621 bit setFRCerror()
  622 //############################################################################################
  623 {
  624   responseFRCvalue2B = 2;
  625   return TRUE;
  626 }
  628 //############################################################################################
  629 bit sensorError;
  630 bit AdjustFrcTemperature()
  631 //############################################################################################
  632 {
  633   // Test for supported FRC commands
  634   switch ( _PCMD )
  635   {
  636     default:
  637       return FALSE;
  639     case FRC_STD_SENSORS_1B:
  640       // Return sensor FRC value 1B
  641       // Check for out of limits
  642       if ( sensorError || (int16)sensorValue > (int16)( 105.5 * 16 ) || (int16)sensorValue < ( (int16)-20 * 16 ) )
  643         return setFRCerror();
  645       // Convert to the "F = ( T + 22 ) * 2 " from 1/16 resolution
  646       uns16 _sensorValue = sensorValue + 4; // Note: do rounding when /8
  647       responseFRCvalue = (uns8)( _sensorValue / 8 ) + 44;
  648       break;
  650     case FRC_STD_SENSORS_2B:
  651       // Return sensor FRC value 2B
  652       if ( sensorError )
  653         return setFRCerror();
  655       responseFRCvalue2B = sensorValue ^ 0x8000;
  656       break;
  657   }
  659   return TRUE;
  660 }
  662 //############################################################################################
  663 // Sensor index 0: measure temperature using the TR sensor
  664 bit Get0_TemperatureTR()
  665 //############################################################################################
  666 {
  667   // Make sure FSR1 is not modified
  669   // When error, then adjust the standard error values
  670   sensorError = FALSE;
  671   // Measure temperature using TR sensor
  672   if ( getTemperature() == -128 )
  673   {
  674     sensorError = TRUE;
  675     sensorValue = 0x8000;
  676   }
  678   // Return sensor value
  679   sensorValue = param3;
  680   // Handler FRC
  681   return AdjustFrcTemperature();
  682 }
  684 //############################################################################################
  685 // Sensor index 1: measure temperature using one of the DDC-SE-01 sensors
  686 bit Get1_Temperature()
  687 //############################################################################################
  688 {
  689   // Make sure FSR1 is not modified
  691   // Measure temperature using DDC-SE-01 sensors
  692   sensorError = FALSE;
  693   // Read temperature and check for an error
  694   GetTemperature();
  695   // When error, return standard (FRC) error value(s)
  696   if ( sensorValue == ERROR_TEMPERATURE )
  697     sensorError = TRUE;
  699   // FrcValues
  700   return AdjustFrcTemperature();
  701 }
  703 //############################################################################################
  704 bit AdjustFrcBinaryData()
  705 //############################################################################################
  706 {
  707   // Test for supported FRC commands
  708   switch ( _PCMD )
  709   {
  710     default:
  711       return FALSE;
  713     case FRC_STD_SENSORS_BIT:
  714       // If there is a sensor error, 2-bit FRC cannot indicate it, it returns [01]
  716       // Number of shifts to get the bit out of the return value
  717       uns8 bitLoop = ( INDF1 >> 5 ) + 1;
  718       // Value to get the bit from
  719       W = sensorValue.low8;
  720       do
  721       {
  722         // Get the bit to Carry
  723         W = rr( W );
  724         // Next bit
  725       } while ( --bitLoop != 0 ); // Note: must not modify W and Carry
  726       // Current (prepared by DPA) FRC value is [01], change it to [11] (means bit is set)
  727       responseFRCvalue.1 = 1; // Note: must not modify Carry
  728       // Is bit set?
  729       if ( !Carry )
  730         // Bit is NOT set, return [10]
  731         responseFRCvalue.0 = 0;
  732       break;
  734     case FRC_STD_SENSORS_1B:
  735       responseFRCvalue = sensorValue.low8 + 4;
  736       break;
  737   }
  738   return TRUE;
  739 }
  741 //############################################################################################
  742 // Sensor index 2: returns light intensity indicator value using DDC-SE-01
  743 bit Get2_BinaryData_Light()
  744 //############################################################################################
  745 {
  746   // Make sure FSR1 is not modified
  748   // ADC initialization (for more info see PIC datasheet) pin C1 (AN0) as analog input 
  749   ANSELA.0 = 1;
  750   // ADC setting (AN0 channel)
  751   ADCON0 = 0b0.00000.01;
  752   // Read ADC
  753   sensorValue.low8 = ReadAdc() / 2;
  754   // Return sensor FRC value
  755   return AdjustFrcBinaryData();
  756 }
  758 //############################################################################################
  759 // Sensor index 3: returns potentiometer value using DDC-SE-01
  760 bit Get3_BinaryData_Potentiometer()
  761 //############################################################################################
  762 {
  763   // Make sure FSR1 is not modified
  765   // ADC initialization (for more info see PIC datasheet) pin C5 (AN4) as analog input 
  766   ANSELA.5 = 1;
  767   // ADC setting (AN4 channel)
  768   ADCON0 = 0b0.00100.01;
  769   // Read ADC
  770   sensorValue.low8 = ReadAdc() / 2;
  771   // Return sensor FRC value
  772   return AdjustFrcBinaryData();
  773 }
  775 //############################################################################################
  776 // OneWire and Dallas 18B20 routines
  777 //############################################################################################
  779 //############################################################################################
  780 void Delay5us( uns8 val @ W ) // Absolutely precise timing but val != 0
  781 //############################################################################################
  782 {
  783   // 16 MHz
  784   // + 0.75us ( W=val, Call )
  785   for ( ;; )
  786   {         // loop time
  787     nop2(); // 0.50us
  788     nop2(); // 1.00us
  789     nop2(); // 1.50us
  790     nop2(); // 2.00us
  791     nop2(); // 2.50us
  792     nop2(); // 3.00us
  793     nop();  // 3.25us
  794     if ( --val == 0 ) // + 0.75us (W--, BTFS ) 
  795       return;         // + 0.25us 
  796     nop2(); // 4.50us
  797   }         // 5.00us (Goto)
  798 }
  799 //############################################################################################
  801 #define OneWireData0()  { OneWire_TRIS = 0; }     // 0.5us @ 16MHz
  802 #define OneWireData1()  { OneWire_TRIS = 1; }     // 0.5us @ 16MHz
  804 //############################################################################################
  805 void OneWireWriteByte( uns8 byte )
  806 //############################################################################################
  807 {
  808   uns8 bitLoop = 8;
  809   do
  810   {
  811     // Next sequence is time precision critical
  812     GIE = FALSE;
  814     OneWireData0();
  815     nop2();         // 1 us [0.5 us]
  816     nop2();         // [1.0 us]
  817     if ( byte.0 )   // 2.5 us [1.75us]
  818       OneWireData1();
  820     // End of time precision critical sequence
  821     GIE = TRUE;
  823     // 60us minimum in total, does not have to be precise
  824     Delay5us( ( 60 - 3 ) / 5 + 1 );
  826     OneWireData1();
  828     byte >>= 1;
  829   } while ( --bitLoop != 0 );
  830 }
  832 //############################################################################################
  833 uns8 OneWireReadByte()
  834 //############################################################################################
  835 {
  836   uns8 result;
  837   uns8 bitLoop = 8;
  838   do
  839   {
  840     // Next sequence is time precision critical
  841     GIE = FALSE;
  843     OneWireData0();
  844     nop2();         // 1 us [0.5 us]
  845 #if F_OSC == 16000000
  846     nop2();         // [1.0 us]
  847 #endif
  848     OneWireData1();         // 2 us [1.5 us]
  849     Delay5us( 15 / 5 );     // 17 us [16.5 us]
  851     Carry = 0;              // 17.5 us [16.75 us]
  852     if ( OneWire_IO_IN )    // 18.5 us [ 17.25 us] (condition must not modify Carry)
  853       Carry = 1;
  855     // End of time precision critical sequence
  856     GIE = TRUE;             // must not modify Carry
  857     result = rr( result );
  859     // 60us minimum in total, does not have to be precise
  860     Delay5us( ( 60 - 20 ) / 5 + 1 );
  861   } while ( --bitLoop != 0 );
  863   return result;
  864 }
  866 //############################################################################################
  867 bit OneWireReset()
  868 //############################################################################################
  869 {
  870   // Setting the pin once to low is enough
  871   OneWire_IO_OUT = 0;
  872   // Reset pulse
  873   OneWireData0();
  874   Delay5us( 500 / 5 );
  875   // Reset pulse end
  876   OneWireData1();
  877   // Next sequence is time precision critical
  878   GIE = FALSE;
  879   // Wait for presence pulse
  880   Delay5us( 70 / 5 );
  881   // End of time precision critical sequence
  882   GIE = TRUE;
  883   // Presence pulse?
  884   if ( OneWire_IO_IN )
  885   {
  886     // No presence, finish initialization sequence
  887     Delay5us( ( 500 - 70 ) / 5 );
  888     return FALSE;
  889   }
  890   else
  891   {
  892     // Presence OK, finish initialization sequence
  893     Delay5us( ( 500 - 70 ) / 5 );
  894     return TRUE;
  895   }
  896 }
  898 //############################################################################################
  899 void OneWireCmd( uns8 cmd )
  900 //############################################################################################
  901 {
  902   // OneWire: Skip ROM
  903   OneWireWriteByte( CMD_SKIPROM );
  904   // OneWire: Send command
  905   OneWireWriteByte( cmd );
  906 }
  908 //############################################################################################
  909 bit Ds18B20WriteConfig( uns8 value )
  910 //############################################################################################
  911 {
  912   if ( OneWireReset() )
  913   {
  914     // Write Scratchpad
  915     OneWireCmd( CMD_WSCRATCHPAD );
  917     // Write TL = ? (we dot not care the value)
  918     OneWireWriteByte( W );
  919     // Write TH = ? (we dot not care the value)
  920     OneWireWriteByte( W );
  921     // Write Config byte
  922     OneWireWriteByte( value );
  924     if ( OneWireReset() )
  925     {
  926       //  Copy Scratchpad
  927       OneWireCmd( CMD_CPYSCRATCHPAD );
  928       return TRUE;
  929     }
  930   }
  931   return FALSE;
  932 }
  934 //############################################################################################
  935 void writeToSSPCON2( uns8 value )
  936 //############################################################################################
  937 {
  938   writeToRAM( &SSPCON2, value );
  939 }
  941 //############################################################################################
  942 void writeOredToSSPCON2( uns8 value )
  943 //############################################################################################
  944 {
  945   writeToSSPCON2( SSPCON2 | value );
  946 }
  948 //############################################################################################
  949 // I2C routines
  950 //############################################################################################
  952 bit i2cTimeout;
  954 //############################################################################################
  955 void i2c_init()
  956 //############################################################################################
  957 {
  958   // SCL as input (SIM C6)
  959   TRISC.3 = 1;
  960   // SDA as input (SIM C7)
  961   TRISC.4 = 1;
  963   // I2C master mode     SSPCON = 0b00111000
  964   writeToRAM( &SSPCON1, 0x38 );
  965   writeToSSPCON2( 0x00 );
  967   // 50 kHz SCL frequency
  968   SSPADD = ( F_OSC / 50000 / 4 ) - 2;
  969   // Disable slew rate control
  970   SMP = 1;
  971 }
  973 //############################################################################################
  974 void i2c_shutdown()
  975 //############################################################################################
  976 {
  977   // I2C master mode     SSPCON = 0
  978   writeToRAM( &SSPCON1, 0x00 );
  979 }
  981 //############################################################################################
  982 void i2c_waitForIdle()
  983 //############################################################################################
  984 {
  985   i2cTimeout = FALSE;
  986   uns8 timeout;
  987   // Wait for idle and not writing
  988   timeout = 0;
  989   while ( ( SSPCON2 & 0b0001.1111 ) != 0 || RW_ )
  990     if ( ++timeout == 0 )
  991     {
  992       i2cTimeout = TRUE;
  993       break;
  994     }
  995 }
  997 //############################################################################################
  998 void i2c_start()
  999 //############################################################################################
 1000 {
 1001   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1002   // SEN = 1
 1003   writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x01 );
 1004 }
 1006 //############################################################################################
 1007 void i2c_repStart()
 1008 //############################################################################################
 1009 {
 1010   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1011   // RSEN = 1
 1012   writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x02 );
 1013 }
 1015 //############################################################################################
 1016 void i2c_stop()
 1017 //############################################################################################
 1018 {
 1019   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1020   // PEN = 1
 1021   writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x04 );
 1022 }
 1024 //############################################################################################
 1025 uns8 i2c_read( bit ack )
 1026 //############################################################################################
 1027 {
 1028   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1029   // RCEN = 1
 1030   writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x08 );
 1032   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1034   uns8 i2cReadData @ userReg0;
 1035   i2cReadData = SSPBUF;
 1037   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1039   if ( ack )
 1040     // Acknowledge, ACKDT = 0
 1041     writeToSSPCON2( SSPCON2 & 0xDF );
 1042   else
 1043     // Not acknowledge, ACKDT = 1 
 1044     writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x20 );
 1046   // Send acknowledge sequence, ACKEN = 1 
 1047   writeOredToSSPCON2( 0x10 );
 1048   return i2cReadData;
 1049 }
 1051 //############################################################################################
 1052 void i2c_write( uns8 i2cWriteData )
 1053 //############################################################################################
 1054 {
 1055   i2c_waitForIdle();
 1056   SSPBUF = i2cWriteData;
 1057 }
 1059 //############################################################################################
 1060 void MCP9802GetTemp()
 1061 //############################################################################################
 1062 {
 1063   sensorValue = ERROR_TEMPERATURE;
 1065   i2c_start();
 1066   if ( i2cTimeout )
 1067     return;
 1069   // MCP9802 address
 1070   i2c_write( I2C_ADR );
 1071   // pointer: 1 = configuration register
 1072   i2c_write( 0x01 );
 1073   // configuration: 9-bit ADC
 1074   i2c_write( 0x00 );
 1075   i2c_stop();
 1077   i2c_start();
 1078   // MCP9802 address
 1079   i2c_write( I2C_ADR );
 1080   // pointer: 0 = temperature
 1081   i2c_write( 0 );
 1082   i2c_stop();
 1084   i2c_start();
 1085   // MCP9802 address + read
 1086   i2c_write( I2C_ADR | 1 );
 1087   // store the result
 1088   sensorValue.high8 = i2c_read( TRUE );
 1089   sensorValue.low8 = i2c_read( FALSE );
 1090   i2c_stop();
 1091 }
 1093 //############################################################################################
 1094 // Other routines
 1095 //############################################################################################
 1097 //############################################################################################
 1098 void GetTemperature()
 1099 //############################################################################################
 1100 {
 1101   // Reads temperature from an enabled sensor
 1102   if ( isDS18B20 )
 1103     // Temperature is ready at the background
 1104     sensorValue = temperature;
 1105   else
 1106   {
 1107     // Temperature value must be read from I2C sensor
 1108     MCP9802GetTemp();
 1109     if ( sensorValue != ERROR_TEMPERATURE )
 1110     {
 1111       sensorValue += 0x08;
 1112       sensorValue /= 0x10;
 1113     }
 1114   }
 1115 }
 1117 //############################################################################################
 1118 uns8 ReadAdc()
 1119 //############################################################################################
 1120 {
 1121   // ADC result - left justified, Fosc/8
 1122   ADCON1 = 0b0001.0000;
 1123   // Do a smallest delay for ADC ACQUISITION TIME
 1124   waitMS( 1 );
 1125   // start ADC
 1126   GO = 1;
 1127   // wait for ADC finish
 1128   while ( GO );
 1129   return ADRESH;
 1130 }
 1132 //############################################################################################
 1133 // Default Custom DPA Handler header; 2nd include to implement Code bumper to detect too long code of the Custom DPA Handler (modify the path according to your setup) 
 1134 #include "DPAcustomHandler.h"
 1135 //############################################################################################